You Are An Artist - Assignments To Spark Creation

Sarah Urist Green

You Are An Artist - Assignments To Spark Creation
  • ISBN: 9780143134091
  • Rating: 4 of 5
  • Publisher: Penguin Books
  • Published Date: 2020
  • Number of Page: 256
  • Category: Art

More than 50 assignments, ideas, and prompts to expand your world and help you make outstanding new things to put into it Curator Sarah Urist Green left her office in the basement of an art museum to travel and visit a diverse range of artists, asking them to share prompts that relate to their own ways of working. The result is You Are an Artist, a journey of creation through which you'll invent imaginary friends, sort books, declare a cause, construct a landscape, find your band, and become someone else (or at least try). Your challenge is to filter these assignments through the lens of your own experience and make art that reflects the world as you see it. You don't have to know how to draw well, stretch a canvas, or mix a paint color that perfectly matches that of a mountain stream. This book is for anyone who wants to make art, regardless of experience level. The only materials you'll need are what…..



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