A Brief Introduction To The Old Testament - The Hebrew Bible In Its Context

Michael D. Coogan, Cynthia R. Chapman

A Brief Introduction To The Old Testament - The Hebrew Bible In Its Context
  • ISBN: 9780190238599
  • Rating: N/A of 5
  • Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
  • Published Date: 2015-09-15
  • Number of Page: 496
  • Category: Bible

"This is a shorter version of Coogan's The Old Testament, for instructors who prefer a more concise textbook. Acclaimed for its balance, readability, and scholarship, it introduces students to the biblical books in their historical contexts. Coogan draws on his extensive knowledge and experience to incorporate into the text ancient Near Eastern sources and archaeological data that enhance the understanding of the Bible. The primary methodology is thus historical-critical, but Coogan also introduces students to other interpretive strategies, including current ones. The many charts, photographs, line drawings, and maps are fully integrated into the text, as is the color inset that deals with Jerusalem in biblical times. Strategically placed informational boxes deal in detail with issues that often puzzle readers of the Bible, provide models of interpretation of particular texts, and discuss their significance for Judaism and Christianity. Important names and terms are highlighted in the text, and are defined in the glossary in the back"--..



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“The planet is fine. The people are fucked.” ― George Carlin

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