Action Park - Fast Times, Wild Rides, And The Untold Story Of America's Most Dangerous Amusement Park

Andy Mulvihill, Jake Rossen

Action Park - Fast Times, Wild Rides, And The Untold Story Of America's Most Dangerous Amusement Park
  • ISBN: 9780143134510
  • Rating: 5 of 5
  • Publisher: Penguin Books
  • Published Date: 2020
  • Number of Page: 352
  • Category: Action Park (Vernon, N.J.)

The outlandish, hilarious, terrifying, and almost impossible-to-believe story of the legendary, dangerous amusement park where millions were entertained and almost as many bruises were sustained, told through the eyes of the founder's son Often called "Accident Park," "Class Action Park," or "Traction Park," Action Park was an American icon. Entertaining more than a million people a year in the 1980s, the New Jersey-based amusement playland placed no limits on danger or fun, a monument to the anything-goes spirit of the era that left guests in control of their own adventures--sometimes with tragic results. Though it closed its doors in 1996 after nearly twenty years, it has remained a subject of constant fascination ever since, an establishment completely anathema to our modern culture of rules and safety. Action Park is the first-ever unvarnished look at the history of this DIY Disneyland, as seen through the eyes of Andy Mulvihill, the son of the park's idiosyncratic founder, Gene Mulvihill. From his early days testing precarious rides to…..



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