Medical-Surgical Nursing - Assessment And Management Of Clinical Problems

Mariann M. Harding, Collin Bowman-Woodall, Jeffrey Kwong, Debra Hagler, Dottie Roberts, Courtney Reinisch

Medical-Surgical Nursing - Assessment And Management Of Clinical Problems
  • ISBN: 9780323551564
  • Rating: N/A of 5
  • Publisher: Mosby
  • Published Date: 2019-10
  • Number of Page:
  • Category: Medical

Get a leg up in your medical-surgical nursing class and on the NCLEX examination with this essential study guide. Corresponding to the chapters in the 11th edition of Lewis' market-leading text Medical-Surgical Nursing: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems, this study guide offers a complete review of the important information in your Lewis text as well as a wide variety of purposeful exercises to help you apply your understanding of key nursing concepts. Questions reflect the most current NCLEX test plan and include multiple choice, prioritization, delegation, case studies, and alternate item formats. Plus, answers for all exercises are included in the back of the book to give you immediate feedback on your understanding and make studying easier overall. A wide variety of clinically relevant exercises and activities include NCLEX-examination-style alternate item questions, multiple-choice questions, prioritization questions, delegation, and case studies. Answers to all questions located in the back of the book provide you with immediate feedback and help make your study time more efficient…..



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