Start Where You Are - A Journal For Self-Exploration

Meera Lee Patel

Start Where You Are - A Journal For Self-Exploration
  • ISBN: 9780399174827
  • Rating: N/A of 5
  • Publisher: Perigee Trade
  • Published Date: 2015-08-11
  • Number of Page: 128
  • Category: Self-Help

Start Where You Are is a full-colour, passion-inspiring journal designed to help readers nurture their creativity, explore their feelings and focus on what matters most. Featuring vibrant hand-lettering and watercolour illustrations, it pairs inspiring quotes with supportive prompts and exercises to spark reflection through writing, drawing, chart-making and more. As beautiful as it is useful, Start Where You Are will make a perfect gift and keepsake as well as a powerful tool for positive change...



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“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt

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